NADCL Season 5: Building a Community that Cares

The much-anticipated patch notes for NADCL Season 5 have arrived! For a comprehensive breakdown, don’t miss the video by PPD or delve into the notes directly.
As we eagerly await the dawn of Season 5, it’s crucial to reflect on the journey of Season 4. Contrary to its name, Season 4 emerged after a significant hiatus, marking a rebirth of the league with renewed objectives and aspirations.
Last season was an invaluable learning experience, and we’ve worked hard to make Season 5 the best season yet. Your feedback has been the cornerstone of our evolution. Although collecting feedback was a challenge, we meticulously read, categorized, and acted upon each response for this season. Like many, we often feel that feedback forms are mere formalities. But with NADCL, we’re striving to change that narrative. We want every member to know that their voice isn’t just heard—it’s essential.
The concerns you raised—team shuffling, stand-ins, and player drafting—have been our primary focus. We’ve reimagined these aspects for Season 5, and we’re eager to hear your thoughts as we continue to refine our approach. With each season, NADCL aims to be a testament to our collective passion for Dota and our shared vision for its future.
NADCL’s mission goes beyond organizing tournaments. We’re experimenting with the idea of a community that’s actively involved, that cares, and that aspires for more. The Dota community has, over time, slipped into a state of complacency, a kind of learned helplessness where many merely accept the status quo. We believe these challenges stem from a growing divide: players feel a diminished sense of belonging, their contributions are often undervalued, and they lack a connection to a purpose greater than themselves.
With NADCL, we’re trying to bridge that gap. We envision a league and a community where every opinion matters, where every member feels valued. Together, we can address these challenges and set a precedent for other organizers.
If this resonates with you, we invite you to be a part of our journey. Join our Discord and secure your supporter pack for the upcoming season. We’re excited to welcome you to our community.
— Mags
P.S. If you’re in Seattle this week, come join us at the Crimson Witness TI12 Finals Party where NADCL will be hosting a turbo mode tournament. Hope to see you there!